The 40+ Best High School Fundraising Ideas

Students and alumni donate their old prom dresses and tuxedos. You can also add other prizes to make students more excited about guessing. A scavenger hunt is tons of fun while not being too complicated to organize.
With Bonfire, you can sell your t-shirts without any fee required and receive 100% of the funds raised. What better way to help your supporters promote their love for your team than by offering branded merchandise for them to wear? With a merchandise sale, you can create comfortable, stylish t-shirts and sweatshirts for your dedicated supporters to show their love for your team. To help participants collect more pledges, offer a few tips and best practices with a quick email or social media guide. For example, encourage participants to share their donation page at least once every two or three days and to reach out to potential donors personally to ask for their support.
These logoed items measure up to 12 inches and easily fold down to fit into a backpack. A Double Wall Tumbler will be used all the time for after-school snacks. You can mix-and-match the lid to the tumbler as a way to incorporate your elementary school spirit colors. Plus, drink tumblers keep cold drinks cold longer and are very easy to clean. Serve most successful non profit fundraisers and milk to your preschool students by using color changing plastic cups. Plus, the plastic cups can be reused in the future to hold paint for art projects.
As they figure out who they are and how they fit into the world, they face greater academic challenges while navigating new social environments. Have your school name or emblem printed on it, or print one that your students design. Partner with a restaurant that has food and games and host an event for moms and their sons! Make sure the restaurant that you pick is willing to share the proceeds from the event with your club. For an extra donation, offer to improv a personalized rap or spoken-word poem for each donor. Honestly, they’ll probably be so embarrassed that they’ll just give you the money.
Serve refreshments before the play and during intermission to increase the amount of funds raised. Put an elementary school twist on a high-art concept with an arts and crafts sale. Drum up student excitement for the arts by letting them know their creations will soon be on display. Then, invite parents and community members to the arts and crafts show/sale, where they can purchase children’s creations. One of the best and easiest ideas for fund raising for a basketball team that we’ve come across, is the Discount Card Fundraiser. Just like with an auction fundraiser, you can leverage the local connections that your team’s parents or volunteers have.
Make sure you ask for IDs from everyone taking the puppies for their doggie date. Walks or runs are great fundraisers for almost any time of the year. For a Thanksgiving-inspired run, organize a 5k, 10k, or a marathon Turkey Trot. Let participants set up peer-to-peer fundraising pages to collect donations for racing and encourage them to share their pages across their social media accounts.
Best of all, these ideas won’t cost your school a cent to offer. Wine pulls are a fun additional fundraising strategy you can incorporate into your charity auction or another fundraising events. Some auction items are true veterans that perform well in almost every school auction. You’ll find that most people will be happy to help if the product is under $10. And with a 50% profit, this going to end up being a highly profitable fundraiser for your school.
Furthermore, they work well when complimented with our school brochure fundraisers. Our fourth Relay For Life Fundraising Idea for schools is also a lot of fun. Go ahead and read how this one school had success with the principal on the roof fundraiser.